Travelling with your buddy is nice and ultra-cool, Travelling with a Portuguese Buddy it’s another conversation, or level…
If you want an extra glam photo album to stick at your friends face you have to do it in the good old fashion Portuguese way.
We will take you to secret spots, places you would never find on map, unique destinations in extra intense days, marvelous magic nights toasting to good life, places you’ve never dreamed of, special moments with special people that will “make you one of us” if you want. The smile… you will get and understand the smile more than ever… so come with us, for WE ARE THE YOUR PORTUGUESE BUDDY. Let’s do it! Let’s travel!?
Viajar com um buddy é fixe. Viajar com um Portuguese Buddy é outra conversa.
Se queres um álbum de fotografias de meter inveja aos teus amigos, tens de viajar à boa maneira portuguesa. Descobre os melhores destinos, percorre os caminhos mais secretos, encontra lugares únicos, saboreia dias intensos e brinda às noites mágicas.
Vem conhecer o mundo. Levamos-te pela mão. Vive, sente, deixa-te atravessar por cada destino, por cada momento. E regressa com um sorriso português no rosto.
Somos o teu Portuguese Buddy. Bora viajar?
Portugal and its destinies are a pure concentrated extract of the essence of happiness. Here we invite you to discover Portugal as a true Portuguese, not like a tourist, we want you close to the hands and hearts of the natives, at their houses, at their “tascas”, tasting and learning the good living in a long term, for you won’t forget one experience like this, so the acclaimed prime goes to… (drum roll) of course…
THE PORTUGUSE BUDDY! At the service of happiness on the run.
Prepara-te para descobertas surpreendentes. Descobre paisagens de fazer cair o queixo, Natureza que te vai tocar no coração, vilas que pararam no tempo, rostos que te recebem com ternura e calor humano, como se fazia antigamente, património e Cultura ancestral, comida recheada com amor, e o joie de vivre e o glamour que também temos por cá, que é a cerveja no topo do bolo.
Once upon a time there was a poetry city with as much history to tell as stories to live.
Lisbon is an open-air book; you just have to choose which page of history you want to get lost in.
Lisbon shines like no other city and will offer you surprises over every corner. It’s not cliché, it’s true, it is!
Once upon a time there was a poetry city with as much history to tell as stories to live.
Lisbon is an open-air book; you just have to choose which page of history you want to get lost in.
Lisbon shines like no other city and will offer you surprises over every corner. It’s not cliché, it’s true, it is!